Welcome to my little piece of the Riviera, more redneck than French, home of the Gulf of Mexico, beautiful white sandy beaches and crystal clear water.
Posted by
Riviera Mom
9:28 AM
Posted by
Riviera Mom
5:01 PM
I have just returned from my first Bow Hunt, a wonderful trip with friends. I wish I had a photo to post but there's always next time!
The plantation property was beautiful, the lodge was fabulous and the staff was first class. Our group had a great time and some of us were successful. We saw lots and lots of whitetails but most of them stayed out of bow range. I saw bucks, does, fawns, turkeys and other wildlife. Too bad it was not turkey season, they were in shooting range. I watched a little spotted fawn play in a food plot for 25 minutes while it's mother was feeding. It was a memorable experience.
Sitting in the tree stand I was able to enjoy the fall colors and nature at it's finest. I knew that bow hunting was a challenge and am more determined now than ever to continue. I have a lot to learn and look forward to my next opportunity.
My least favorite thing was the sound of the coyotes in the woods all around you while you were waiting in the dark for the truck to pick you up. Thankfully, they were not as close to me as they were to some of the others in the group. For me the fear factor would be influenced by the amount of distance between me and the coyote, especially since this was my first time to venture into the woods by myself!
Never in a million years would I have thought I would be shooting a compound bow, wearing rubber boots, camouflage and tramping through the woods by myself. I hunted in the rain, in the swamp, walked through mud, climbed trees and enjoyed it all. Just goes to show you that when you are open to new ideas and opportunities you never know where life will take you. I'M READY FOR MY NEXT ADVENTURE!
Posted by
Riviera Mom
5:52 AM
Posted by
Riviera Mom
5:22 AM
It's not everyday you go shopping for a scary mask to match your 86 year old Mother's costume. I settled for a zombie and we had a great time together.
My grandchildren were quite impressed when they realized their Great Grandmother was dressing as "Scream". Her intentions were to be a scary ghost, she had never heard of Scream.
We certainly were dressed differently from most of the others at the event, as they wore more traditional costumes such as clowns, ballerinas, witches, cowgirls and 50's poodle skirts.
We laughed at ourselves and at the reaction from others in attendance. Hmmmm wonder what we can do for next year's costume?
Posted by
Riviera Mom
1:33 PM
Posted by
Riviera Mom
12:53 PM
This spring I had a nice visit from Miss Parsey. She went to work with me each day where she was in charge of the postage meter and the shredder.
We nicknamed her "Shred Zilla". and created a pile of stuff destined to be destroyed. She was definitely up to the task.
Posted by
Riviera Mom
7:54 PM
Posted by
Riviera Mom
4:29 PM
Posted by
Riviera Mom
4:05 PM
It's hard to believe that Rufus is already one year old. He has grown from a cute little fellow to 60+ lbs. of non stop energy. A friendly and uncomplicated pup who knows that everyone loves him. He is unaware of his size and greets customers enthusiastically by bounding to the front counter. He now has customers who come in and ask for him if he doesn't present himself.
Rufus is learning to sit and stay, at least for a few seconds and his exuberance for life has led to many a laugh in the workplace.
He is a rascal at times, taking things he shouldn't and getting into trouble. Rufus needs a little more practice in listening and coming when called.
As you can see from the photo he is quite the handsome boy and will probably be 80 lbs. or more when full grown. I'm glad he belongs to my son!
Posted by
Riviera Mom
2:05 PM