Saturday, February 02, 2008

Blondes Really Do Have Fun

How many of you can say you have ridden in a 1950's era Cadillac with Marilyn Monroe? Not only have I done that, I was Marilyn for a day. Mardi Gras style of course. We had a 40 ft. long pink Cadillac filled with Marilyns of every size and description.

The day was damp and dreary but the show went on. The theme this year, Mardi Gras Hollywood Style. Our float was Marilyn and her Beaux . We had Joe Dimaggio, Kojac, Elvis and others for escorts. With 30 floats in the parade it was quite a show. Each float had its own theme representing hollywood. Our Mardi Gras celebration is in it's 11th year. Each year the attendance grows.

The spectators lined the streets catching beads in their umbrellas instead of holding them over their head to block the mist that was hanging in the air.

Beads line the side of the float. There is definitely a right and a wrong way to get your throws organized. That can be crucial when you turn the corner and head to the parade route. Before you know it you are throwing beads as fast as you can get them in your hands.

Elvis helps Marilyn with her fur. Too bad I didn't get the photo of Elvis holding an umbrella for Marilyn and Joe Dimaggio handing her beads to throw.

Another Marilyn waves to the crowd.

Joe Dimaggio is seen in the photo above.

I did learn a thing or two from Mardi Gras this year. It really is fun to let yourself go and be someone else for a little while and wearing a wig in damp weather has good points. Your hair style stays the same and your head stays nice and warm. The weather was a bit cool for the parade this year. I planned for the weather wearing a black velvet cape over my sequin dress. I wish I could have gotten good photos of all of the other floats but the weather just did not cooperate. There's always next year!

Laissez les bons tems rouler (Let the Good Times Roll)

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