Saturday, August 19, 2006

My Life Line

I am a member of the Fairie Goddess Mothers Quilting group. You can find the group on Yahoo. We were challenged recently to make a palm quiltlet, representing our life or some part of it. In my stash I found a piece of fabric which I purchased because of the beautiful words printed on it. I had not looked at the name of the fabric when I purchased it and was surprised to see the name is "Inner Faith".

My palm quiltlet is a representation of how I feel about life. I have dreams and ambitions. I am a strong person, some would call me a survivor. I want to love, learn, laugh, encourage others, share adventure and celebrate life daily.

1 comment:

  1. Your palm quiltlet is gorgeous. It says a lot about the woman you have become as a result of what life has handed you. You do inspire me by your art and the way you have become a stronger woman through your life changes.

    Posted by Carolyn in KY to Riviera Ramblings at 8/19/2006 03:18:57 PM
